Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Joseph is recovering well

I have a few minutes so I am trying to keep this up to date. I am amazed at how many people are reading this blog and the notes and comments are great to read. This blog site is very basic so I am sorry I cannot respond to the comments. A few have asked how to send a note outside the blog so it is not public. Feel free to send a note to kenny.lund@allenlund.com or to mary.lund@allenlund.com. 7 years ago when Katherine had surgery, several people sent emails to her to be read when she got older. If you would like to send a note to Joseph for the future please send it to my email address. I have already saved all the comments for him and his scrap book will be quite extensive. He will have reminders for the rest of his life of how fortunate he is and the ordeal he endured.

Currently he is sedated and doing well. He had an issue this morning with his breathing but the doctors assured us that it is normal and they can control it. Here is a picture of the technology supporting him. The goal is to slowly take him off all the support over the next week. That is his little head there in the middle. The use of technology in the CT-ICU is mind-bending. One of the doctors on call actually came into the room as a robot controlled from his home. That way he could check up on Joseph any time needed. It is so new I was not allowed to take a picture of it. he is in good hands. When Joseph first was sent down to the CT-ICU I stopped to read the Mission Statement posted on the front entrance. Here is what it reads:
I was so happy that they included the "Spiritually Supportive" line. I really knew that we were at the right place. More later....


Cathy and Steve said...

Kenny and Mary,

I cannot tell you how relieved I was to hear of Joseph's progress. I know you've heard many times that God never gives you more than you can handle - sometimes, at moments like these, it is just a mantra that you have to say over and over until you actually believe it. Well, you two have some mighty strong shoulders. Just know that there are so many praying for Joseph and you two, in particular, as he continues his remarkable recovery.

Take care and God Bless you all,

Cathy Lloyd & Steve Gorski

Anonymous said...

My family and I are praying for you and we love you! I hope you can go home soon.
Your Illinois cousins Zoe & Mia,

ahernandez said...

Hi Kenny & Mary,
This is Aurora from Citizens Business Bank. I am so happy to know your baby is doing good. I will be praying for all of you and the baby.

God bless you and you family.
