Monday, September 10, 2007

More Progress

Today they began to talk more about Joseph's move. He may go to the 6th floor or even back to Glendale Adventist Hospital. It all depends on how many beds they have. It is a good sign because they think he is strong enough to graduate from the NICU. We were hoping he would stay in the NICU until he goes home but that looks unlikely at this point. We will deal with that when we know for sure. Today Cardiology visited him. They took out the leads for the pacemaker so he is down to an IV and a PICC line. They are doing a few more tests but hopefully they will consider his heart "good to go." The surgeon said that would mean he could be going home soon! He feeding increased and can take his medication by mouth now. That does not seem possible considering where he was just 7 days ago. His recovery is happening too fast for us to comprehend.

Elizabeth had her first day of school and her Auntie Cindy picked her up and brought her to the hospital. They let her feed Joseph. The other girls are thoroughly green with envy but they will get their chance soon enough.

I wish I could write more but I am trying to catch up on sleep in anticipation of his homecoming. Hopefully there will be more time tomorrow.

God Bless,



ALS said...

Hello Joseph,

I'm glad you're feeling better. You are so cute, and precious.

Much love from Scotland.


Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness.. I'm sitting here with tears streaming down my face and I just let out a sigh of relief ( I didn't know I was holding my breath) as I read the past few days of your entries ... from one parent to another.. I am so relieved and happy for you.. I don't even know this beautiful baby boy, yet I have such strong feelings towards him and all of you.

I continue to keep you alll in my prayers!!!!
give Joseph a hug and a kiss from me,
blessings to you all,
Ann Sbicca Neffeler

Anonymous said...

What a perfect picture - Elizabeth and Joseph!! This little boy is surrounded by love and prayers. It is amazing to see his progress. I'm sure the sisterly love works wonders as he gets better each and every day. We love you Joseph!!

Anonymous said...

What a great picture, and they say pictures are worth a thousand words, and that is very true, He is one HANDSOME young man and all of are excited when the day arrives when we get to meet him in person. He is very blessed to be joining the wonderful LUND family!! We are all blessed to know you!!
Hugs and continued prayers!
Sheila & George Cook