Sunday, December 16, 2007

The Multiplier Effect

Joseph gets his first cold.
We did our best, but the outside world has gotten to Joseph and he has his first cold. He will be fine but when a child has gone through what Joseph has gone through, you cannot help but be more nervous when something as common as a cold hits. We are more observant, but Joseph seems to be handling it fine. He just has this awful barky cough. He is still happy and fun to be around but his cough keeps us on alert. His heart condition, in this case, multiplies the minor negative of a cold into something more. We worry more and grow more protective than we would normally.
But on the flip side--there are so many fun little things that are multiplied into greater events because of his condition. For instance, I am elated when he reaches a new milestone with his weight. He needs sleep, so when he takes a long nap it is cause for celebration. When he gives you a big smile it is somehow sweeter when considered in the context of all he has been through these four short months.
It is a fact that we enjoy life more because of our contact with this small child. He has increased our awareness of our family and friends. We certainly take fewer things for granted and everyday holds more joy because of Joseph. Our faith, while challenged, has multiplied and is now stronger. We have increased our medical knowledge. We have stronger ties to friends even though we have seen them less. I really like that the good things are multiplied to outweigh the bad.
I started reading a book called "The Wet Engine" by Brian Doyle. The author writes about his experience with his son who has a heart condition that has required several surgeries. I have only read a few chapters but already the book has had a big impact. Brian writes about his experience with the doctors and he could easily be writing about Joseph's doctors. It is good to read about others surviving the experience and coming away with a deeper appreciation of life, faith, medicine and the heart.
It is very busy around here as the kids prepare for their Christmas programs. Good fortune to you all as you prepare for Christmas. Remember to keep it all in perspective. May the miracle of Joseph multiply all the good things we share this time of year.

God bless,


p.s.--I know---I still owe you some new pictures--

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Merry, Merry Christmas Lund Family
Little Joseph has taught us all to hold each other a little tighter and a little more often, to value our time together, and not take "life" for granted! We continue to pray for continued growth and positive news, and we are looking to updated pictures, cold and all.
Sheila & George, (aka Mike)