Saturday, January 5, 2008

Happy New Year

It has been a great start to the new year. Joseph is doing well. He has passed the 17 pound mark and does not show any signs that his heart is having trouble. He loves to smile and even lets out some giggles. However, this will be a tough week as I head down to San Diego for our annual managers meeting. Mary's sister Cindy is coming up from San Diego to help Mary out with all that goes each and every day. With five children to look after, there is a tremendous amount to accomplish. Mary handles it all very well. Luckily I married well!
Life is pretty good at this point, but just so that you know we are a normal everyday family I want to tell you what happened on Christmas Day. I must first preface it with --Overall it was a great day and there are no long term effects from the ordeal.
Christmas morning was a blast with the kids opening up their presents and we had a nice breakfast. Late in the morning Joseph was put on the bed and we (two of the girls and myself) were distracted by the new IPOD that the four girls received from Santa with a note about sharing. (yes--one IPOD for four girls) Well, Joseph picked that moments to roll over for the first time and he went right off the bed and when gravity took over he ended wedged between the night stand and the bed. He also hit his head. Well chaos entered the room. Joseph was screaming, Mary was trying to get to Joseph, the other girls ran in and started crying in unison with the two who were already crying. Mary and I quickly assessed Joseph as one of the girls asked if she should go call 911. "NO" we yelled in unison, "just get the icy bear---he is OK" It took a decent amount of time to get everyone calmed down. At about the five minute mark Joseph smiled at his mom and acted like nothing ever happened. The girls however, were traumatized for a few more hours. Looking back at it now it seems pretty funny and it was a good lesson for us all. Here is a little video clip to prove that he is OK.

Joseph goes to the Cardiologist on Tuesday, January 8. He is scheduled to have an echo-cardiogram to asses how well his aorta is doing. I will let you know the outcome as soon as I am able.
Happy New Year and may 2008 be a year of miracles and wonderful events.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year Lund family,
Glad to hear your excitement worked out to be just that, a little excitement. Joseph looks great and happy. Sounds like Santa was good to all.
Sheila & George Cook