Friday, May 20, 2011

Here we go again!

Joseph has been doing great but our last check up revealed that he will need another open heart surgery on Monday, May 23.  We are reactivating this blog to keep his friends and family updated on his progress.

The surgery is necessary to correct a "sub aortic valve stenosis" or a narrowing of the aorta just inside the aortic valve.  It is a common occurrence in kids that have Joseph's history.  The doctors were not surprised to see it but they were surprised that it came on so quickly.

Joseph had is pre-op on Friday and all systems are go for Monday.   Thank you for all the love, concern and prayers directed at Joseph.  Once again we count on you to get us through and for that we are so grateful.
Kenny and Mary

p.s. we added the follow function--to get an email when there is a new post just enter your email at the bottom of the page.  Here is a little video message from Joseph:

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