Sunday, May 29, 2011

Uneventful day 5

When one flies on an airplane, the best kind of flight is uneventful.  If you are recovering from surgery the best kind of day is also uneventful.  Saturday was a very good day for Joseph because it was uneventful.  He is following the rules: no trampoline, always walking, no picking up anything heavy, no hitting your sister in the head with a toy truck and so on.  He has quickly learned that it is better to play quietly.  He stayed busy all day coloring, watching movies, playing with his new toys that his preschool class gave him.  He is pain free and quite content.  The only ill effect from surgery right now is a small rash on his arms that does not seem to bother him much.  It is probably from the drugs that he needed for surgery that are working their way out of the system. 
I will work on posting some pictures today so you can see how well he is doing. 

God Bless,


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