Joseph had his checkup on Friday. If he was brave and let the doctor see he chest he would get a chocolate shake. (I know --- do not give food as a reward---but give me a break, the kid had major surgery and can't stand the doctors touching him after all that) Anyway, he made it about half way through the removal of four stitches and start cry/yelling to make sure that everyone in the clinic knew that there was a three year old being tortured in room 4. Time stands still when you are holding down your own kids as he is pleading for you to take him home. It took 35 minutes to remove the stitches (OK-- I fibbed it took two minutes, but it sure seemed like 35 to Joseph.)
The medical team determined that he had a slight infection at one of the chest tube sites and sent us on our way with an order for antibiotics. In the two days since he has been on the antibiotics he has improved greatly. He is healing quickly and his rash is almost gone. Mary took him outside to play and he enjoyed that tremendously. He played with his cars in a pile of sand and was thrilled to smash his cars through the sand in mock NASCAR racing complete with crashes and sound effects.
I have to thank his grandma for letting him borrow her IPad. He plays with it for hours and there are some decent learning games on it. He missed the last month and a half of his preschool so we feel he is keeping up and in 13 years he won't blame his SAT scores on a stunted educational experience when he was three. His class and teachers at St. Edmund's have been great and brought him over two baskets of toys. He made sure that he played with every single toy in the group. He teachers stopped by and gave him his book all about his year in preschool. He has shown the book to anybody he can, as many times as he can. The toys, books and IPad really helps because he is still limited in what he can do. He will be able to do many more things in a few more weeks but is in protection mode for six more. Here is a shot of him with HIS IPad. His sisters cannot believe that he is the first in the family to have one!
Have a great week everyone and know that we appreciate all the love and prayers.
PS yes he did get his shake because he was brave for half the exam---but I took two sips out of it for the crying!