Wednesday, June 1, 2011

9 days and counting

It is hard to believe that Joseph's surgery was 9 days ago.  What a week!  He continues to do very well.  The only minor issue the rash on his arm on leg. A dermatologist looked at it and gave us some lotion for it.  The rash does not bother Joseph except for a little itching.  So it should be easy to rub a little painless cream on an arm that does not hurt---right.  Wrong!  I can always reason with Joseph except when it comes to getting him clean.  He must think the lotion is some kind of soap.  I cannot hold him down effectively because I do not want to hurt his chest.  It is like trying to put sunscreen on an octopus!  Except the octopus does not scream or try to to kick you. 
Oh well---If that is the biggest issue we have we are blessed.  Clare's eye is healing fine even though it looks worse. 


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