Sunday, June 12, 2011

Playing in the yard.

It will be three week tomorrow since Joseph's surgery.  Today he was out playing in the yard and Ellie captured this video:

As you can see he is doing just fine and moving around without any pain.  We will keep him home for another week and then he will be off quarantine!  He will be able to go out and about again.  Yhat will make working through our family schedule much easier.  After that we just have to protect his chest from impact and strain until the end of July.  It could prove to be the toughest job in Pasadena!
Joseph is doing so well that I will probably only do one more post and then I will put up some pictures on his Birthday in August.  Thank you for taking interest in Joseph's story. 


1 comment:

Craigb said...

that kid's got a swing!