Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Check up was great!

Joseph went back today to see the cardiologist.  Great news! After several tests including an ultrasound of the heart the cardiologist said the surgery was successful and he does not need to come back until his next check up in six months.  Joseph's rash is gone and his battle scars are healing well.  He will need to stay home for 2 more week and then we can start to let him out of the house again.  That will make the family schedule much more easy to manage.
We are so thankful for a successful operation and very thankful for your help getting Joseph through this.  I think I have stated this before but it bears repeating.   I would not wish this situation on any parents but in many ways it has been a very positive experience.  Joseph and his story have given many friends and family a better perspective on life.  We have grown closer as a family and as a community.  We have a stronger appreciation for prayer and have been strengthened in our faith.  We are blessed.


1 comment:

Justin Kennally 7th Grade ABVM said...

Glad he is doing great!!!